Sven Taubert is an aerospace engineer working at Lufthansa Technik where he leads the Corporate Foresight and Market Intelligence team. Besides worldwide trends and competitor analyses, he is responsible for electric aircraft inanities within Lufthansa Group. He joint Lufthansa Technik, the world's leading provider of MRO services, four years ago. Prior to his current position, he was responsible for a strategic cabin research program and site manager of the Lufthansa facilities at the Center of Applied Aeronautical Research in Hamburg, Germany. Previously, Sven was working the research and technology on behalf of Airbus. He gained experience in various fields like 3D printing, digitalization, internet of things, artificial intelligence, connectivity, interactive surfaces and human centered design. He studied at the University of Stuttgart, Germany and Tokyo University, Japan. He holds an aerospace engineering diploma. He is an active member of the SAE Electric Aircraft Steering Group.
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Ich stelle mal die kühne Behauptung auf, dass es keine andere Industrie gibt in der es so viel „Passion“ für das Produkt gibt. Trotz all der Komplexität, dem Druck, der überwältigenden Verantwortung, der starken Konkurrenz... haben am Ende des Tages alle Beteiligten dieses Leuchten in den Augen wenn ein Flugzeug abhebt. Dieses Element verbindet uns alle und so ist die Aviation Industrie eine große weltoffene Familie – mit der Besonderheit das wir unsere Heimatadresse in einem 3 Letter Code angeben.