Co-founder of Sopheon in 1993, since then full time with the company and instrumental in developing Sopheon’s Enterprise Innovation Management suite of software, Accolade, and the best practices content that accompany it. Recognized as a foremost expert in Innovation Management with expertise across multiple sectors; chemical, food, consumer goods, medical devices, hospitals, automotive, government, insurance and banking. A Principal Advisor on a number of Boards to help them understand and implement an optimal innovation management practice with regard to Innovation Governance. Responsible for Sopheon’s funded research projects (Eureka, ITEA, Framework) over many years.
Professional background: applied linguistics and cognitive sciences, professor at several institutes for Linguistics and Management methodologies.
Solution Study
Dienstag, 25. März
10:15 - 10:45
Live in Berlin
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Our work with many companies and a recent Research of Wellspring/Sopheon under over 300 companies showed us clearly that todays economy demands a more business focused Innovation. The current Innovation practice in big companies does not seem to be effective for new business as it should be. It mostly does not deliver results as required, and not On Time. In fact the methodologies in use today have been developed some 50 years ago mainly for new technology development, for R&D, and do not fit the current economy anymore, an economy facing severe hurdles. The lecture will propose a different Innovation Management approach, called Growth Innovation. Goal is to close the gap between Innovation and day to day Business. This should not only bring value for the business, but also guarantee future Innovation investments. The new approach is based on Top-Down Innovation Governance with a special place for the Front-End of Innovation. “Portfolio Creation” for the New Product as well as the Production Innovation side is in the heart of this approach that Wellspring obviously can support with solutions. In this session, you will learn:
Dienstag, 25. März
17:00 - 18:00
Live in Berlin
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