
Hans-Ueli Roeck

Director Key Technologies, Phonak

Hans-Ueli Roeck ist seit 1997 bei Phonak, wo er derzeit als Director Key Technologies tätig ist. Er war zuvor unter anderem bei Zellweger Uster und Sulzer Electronics tätig. Hans-Ueli Roeck hat an der Fachhochschule Winterthur Elektrotechnik studiert und an der Univerisät von Rhode Island seinen Master Abschluss im Fach Elektrotechnik absolviert.



Headquartered near Zurich, Switzerland, Phonak, a member of the Sonova Group, was born in 1947 from a passion and dedication to take on the most difficult hearing challenges. Seventy years later, this passion remains. As the industry’s leading provider, we offer the broadest portfolio of life-changing hearing solutions. From pediatric to profound hearing loss, we remain committed to creating hearing solutions that change people’s lives to thrive socially and emotionally. We believe in changing lives and creating a world where ‘Life is on’ for everyone.